Here is the list of all request statuses.
StatusId (int) | Status (string) | Description |
1 | Pending | Transaction request has been created, user has not responded yet |
2 | Approved | User has approved the request and payment is complete |
3 | Rejected | User has rejected the request |
4 | Cancelled | Request was cancelled by the business partner |
5 | Reversed | Request was reversed by the business partner, user has been paid back the money |
Here are the list of relevant transaction statuses.
StatusId (int) | Status (string) | Description |
4 | TransactionPending | Money Transfer in process, Pending blockchain verification. A transaction shouldn't be in this state for more than a few seconds. |
5 | TransactionFailed | Money transfer failed |
6 | TransactionVerified | Money transfer success and blockchain verified |
Request status and their transaction status:
We return the request status and transaction status for the following APIs: . check status of request
. request history
A request can have the following status along with the possible transaction statuses.
Request Status | Transaction Status | Remarks |
null | null | No transaction created yet |
Approved | TransactionPending | |
TransactionFailed | ||
TransactionVerified | ||
Rejected | null | User has rejected the request |
Cancelled | null | Request was cancelled by the business partner |
Reversed | TransactionVerified | For a reverse request a new transaction is created. This verified status belongs to the initial payment transaction and not the reverse transaction. |