The deposit create API is used to provide cash in for the users. Calling this API money is taken from your SPENN Business account and moved to the user-specified.
The money is locked for 5 minutes as soon as it is transferred to the user’s account. Within 5 minutes either partner can remove the lock by calling the “Deposit Confirm” or reverse the transaction by calling the “Deposit Reverse”.
After 5 minutes transaction will be automatically reverted if confirm/reverse is not being called by Partner
To complete a Deposit partner need to perform two actions at least, Create and Confirm. If Reverse is being performed instead of confirm, then transaction will be reversed and debited money from the Business account will be given back.
Note- Partner can only perform Confirm or Reverse within 5 minutes of ‘Deposit Create’. Within 5 minutes of Create, if no second action(Confirm/Reverse) is performed by partner, System will automatically reverse the deposit.