API Reference
HTTP Status CodeErrorCodeKeyDescriptionExample
400- Validation FailedCommandValidationIf not valid inputs provided, In this case please check the error message for better understanding."ErrorCodeKey": "CommandValidation",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong.",
"Message": "Amount must be greater than zero"
400- BadRequestNotFoundCustomerIf not found Sender or Receiver Customer."ErrorCodeKey": "NotFoundCustomer",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong.",
"Message": "Invalid or not found Sender PhoneNumber: +250783009999",
400- BadRequestItemNotFoundCheck Error Message for better understanding, Ex: If Connected User is disabled."ErrorCodeKey": "ItemNotFound",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong."
"Message": "No connected Business found for this user",
400- BadRequestNotFoundSenderCu stomerAccountIf no Sender Customer Spending Account."ErrorCodeKey": "NotFoundSenderCustomerAccount",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong.",
"Message": "Money sender doesn't have any account related to the provided currency for customer PhoneNumber +250783009001",
400- BadRequestNotFoundReceiverC ustomerAccountIf no Receiver Customer Spending Account."ErrorCodeKey": "NotFoundReceiverCustomerAccount",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong.",
"Message": "Request sender doesn't have any account related to the provided currency for customer Id",
400- BadRequestNotAllowedSameAc countRequestIf Request created for Same Sender and Receiver Customer Account."ErrorCodeKey": "NotAllowedSameAccountRequest",
"Message": "Can not request money to your own account, Customer Id: b356bb29-a1d8-49ee-b49f-7e03a75758 da",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong.",
400- BadRequestIdDetailsAlreadyInU seIf already used External Reference added for new Request."ErrorCodeKey": "IdDetailsAlreadyInUse", "UserMessage": "Something went wrong.",
"Message": "A previous payment request already exists with this reference: abc",
400- BadRequestNotFoundRequestM oneyIf Not found any Request for RequestGuid."ErrorCodeKey": "NotFoundRequestMoney",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong.","Message": "No request found for Partner customer b356bb29-a1d8-49ee-b49f-7e03a75758 da with request Id f37e2b4d-ecc3-45b4-8bb0-fc0ac4d3d4f 1",
400- BadRequestNotAllowedRequest AlreadyHandledIf Request not in Pending State."ErrorCodeKey": "NotAllowedRequestAlreadyHandled",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong.",
b356bb29-a1d8-49ee-b49f-7e03a75758 da with request Id f37e2b4d-ecc3-45b4-8bb0-fc0ac4d3d4f 0", "Message": "Cannot cancel request for Partner customer
401- UnauthorizedUnAuthorizedSecurit yTokenExpiredExce ptionInvalid Token."ErrorCodeKey": "UnAuthorizedSecurityTokenExpiredEx ception",
"UserMessage": "Something went wrong.",
403- ForbiddenIf not permission for a particular action."Action is unauthorized for resourceItem : SpennBusinessRequest and permissionItem : SpennBusinessRequestProcess"
404- Not FoundInvalid Url.
405- Method Not AllowedIf there is a wrong method type.
200- OkSuccessful HTTP Response.